Quick process of that above piece. It's not really that good, overall, but I'm super proud of it because it was my first full watercolour on actual watercolour paper in a long time, and I got to see all my improvement in one go:

Above: "This is the Sound" artwork process.
Below: One of the songs from Cellar Darlings This is the Sound album:
It was also my first full piece with my new, proper watercolours (Sennelier), and they were so vibrant and easy to work with. The boots came out pretty good, and the poncho overlaying the dress did as well, particularly the transparent part! So I'm quite happy with it. I would like to redo this someday in a less drawing-between-conference-breaks-in-my-hotel-room pressure, with figures representing Ivo and Merlin (the other Cellar Darling members) as well. I love all the songs on that album, but I'm posting this particular one as indicative of my overall inspiration because it's the one that repeats the album title in the lyrics.
Well, that's the main one. There's also a concept sketch and a watercolour doodle I did to practice folds in clothing and facial hair (horribly failed at the latter). Both art pieces are inspired by album artwork, promo images, and overall feel of the album, but not really faithful presentations of the albums. Thus I'm not calling them fanart.

Left: Inspiration from Eluveitie's album Slania (named for this song). Right: Inspiration from their debut album. Example song.
I encoded the word "Helvetios" into this lace stitch, naming it after Eluveitie's album Helvetios, title song posted next to the stitch.
Sloppily blocked, hence weird cropping on a phone snapshot, but I just wanted to visualize the stitch. I did have to play around with decrease type and placement, but not as much as I thought I would have had to. I still need to work out what I want to use the stitch in - thinking a bottom-up crop top. I love how it came out! Captures what I get out of this band's music. Which is not for everyone, but hey...I love it, especially with all the added layers of old myth, spirituality, and history, in addition to great blends of folk and metal.
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