"Atlantis is Calling" will be released mid to late February. It's gorgeously complex-looking but simple to whip out, and oh so cozy and luxurious. |
I've been busy designing more than ever, including submitting to knit
and crochet publishers. One of those designs has been accepted, and I
won't say much other than that it is a spring/summer top built off an
idea I had when I made my first shawl. The others are being
self-published on Ravelry. One is a cable and lace bulky cowl for
serious warmth and fashion, currently undergoing testing on Ravelry, and
the other is an advanced lace cowl to be released as an MKAL, in
collaboration with an indie dyer,
on Etsy. This is being tagged as "InfestationMKAL" on Twitter and Instagram. Testing for that one has not started yet, but by next weekend
the pattern will have a functioning draft. The dyer has also
graciously offered a discount for anyone working the test in her yarn.
That one is out for a spring release.
My free
MKAL and
MCAL Cordillera has finished, despite some complications that arose from my havigg moved across the country for the new year. Still upcoming: more recipes and furious work on handspun patterns! One is already written but the master sample needs to have buttons sewn on and photography done. I am also busy dyeing up fiber to restart my Etsy shop using the techniques I've learned in Natalie Redding's dye courses, using the Redding method for dyeing. From there I will do heavy focus in handspun patterns, made faster because I just got my new wheel, a Cassandra model from
JMS Wheels, 2 weeks ago. I've redubbed the wheel Arachne. She is a wonderful wheel, high quality materials and workmanship and underpriced because of this!
Left: Knitting in France DK weights, dyed gorgeously and with great texture an vibrancy. "Infestation" will call for 1 skein of her yarn. Right: the Cassandra package from JMS Wheels, only $350 for everything after counting shipping. |
Look forward to more recipes, and more focus on my knit and crochet designs and an increased interested in spinning fiber prep and spinning. I'm taking
Natalie Redding's Master Dyer courses through Fibery Goodness, and love it. I love it so much that I signed up for
S3: Sketch, Spin, Scribe, "taught" but more like loosely led by
Arlene and
Suzy, to really charge my fiber arts. I look forward to talking a lot more about S3 and the impact that Natalie Redding's courses have had not only on my dyeing, but in my frame of thinking. I'm a newbie to spinning and have just been spinning 1 whole year as of last week, but thanks to Natalie's resources and Fibery Goodness, plus
PLY Magazine (which I learned about from Natalie's
Namaste Farms podcast), I feel like I've learned a lot more about spinning in this one year than I had envisioned I could learn in 5 years. I know most of that has to do with my own dedication to the craft and its art, but really, where would that dedication have come from if it wasn't fed with these wonderful resources? And I just signed up to be in a testing group for a new "Evolution" idea led by Fibery Goodness.
Some results from Course s1, 2, and 3 of Natalie Redding's Dye Mastery program, in which she teaches her very own Redding method for dyeing wool and protein fibers. |
Cheers to new beginnings, for all of us!
P.S. If you are interested in the next round of Natalie Redding's Dye Mastery courses,
enrollments for the third round are open now! It's not fluff you can learn from a book, it's a course really about solid dye techniques, breaking the traditional dyeing molds, and filled with practical business advice as well. The courses are structured like a college course, with 7 modules, each module having 2 weeks devoted to it, one being the course learning (lecture) and one being the study session (post-lab lecture). It is something that is really hands-on, but if you don't do it you can still learn quite a lot. I have being doing my labwork and sometimes my results are so far out of my field of expertise that my eyes actually water when I hold my dyed locks. It's that amazing. And no, neither she nor Arlene nor Suzy are paying me to write this.
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